Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Remebrance Day

Our Remembrance Day assembly was sad. There was lots of poems and singing. Lots of parents and teachers were there.
We remembered veterans who helped and risked their lives to protect the country.  Some died and some are still alive. We’re giving a big thank-you to them. When the classes got in the gym, grade 5/6 Welbergen (short 5/6 We) played and sang. Then Caitlyn and Chelsey read a poem and everyone stood for O’ Canada. The grade 1/2s sang Little Lonely Candle, the 3/4s said a poem and each of the 5/6 classes said their own poem.  My class recited:
 Words Not Spoken
By Beaches Boil
Although he could not say with words
The love he felt inside
He traveled every moment
And his heart would fill with pride . . .
By: Yacov