Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Lung Project

We made lung prototypes to investigate how air gets into our lungs.  We used using 2 liter bottles, balloons, straws, clay, scissors, gloves, duct tape, rubber bands and a knife.  We first cut the bottom of the bottle and cut holes in the top of the cap to put straws through.   After putting the straws through the holes we attached a balloon to the bottom of each straw with an elastic, and put the clay around the holes in the cap so it is air tight.  We then put a rubber glove over the bottom and duck taped it on.  When we pulled down the rubber glove and the balloons inflated; they filled up with air through the straws. When we pushed the glove into the bottom of the empty bottle, the balloons deflated; they let go of the air up through the straws.  This is how the diaphragm works to make us breathe.  We did some experiments comparing how lungs work when there are holes in the chest cavity, and how adding clay to the straws to make the airways smaller (like asthma) effects how lungs work.  Afterwards we made balloon heads for the tops of our models.
by: Caitlyn