Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Cave Art

Two weeks ago our class did cave art to top off our Social Study unit on First People and the Ice Age. We had a lot of fun with it. The things we needed were paper (tan paper), chalk pastels, oil pastels and sharpies. We had to crumple the paper and use the chalk pastels to go over the paper to make it look like a cave wall, then you get a sharpie and do your design on the paper. When you think you’re ready you choose from these colors: red, yellow, brown, black or white, and start to put them in to your picture. You can use all of those colors to make your picture more cave “arty”.  When you’re done you can wash your hands then take a step back to admire your cave art. We try to make it look like cave symbols, for example hands, feet, animals and hunting.
By: Jaden and Marissa C.