Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Interview on Julia May

Me: Hi I’m Amy and I will be interviewing Julia May!
Julia May: Thanks it’s an honor to be interviewed.
Me: Well Julia May when you were on the underground railway running were you scared?
Julia May: Yes I was scared because I thought that our master and dogs were chasing us and I got blisters and bruises.
Me: What was it like getting to Canada to be free?
Julia May: I was really excited because now my family and I were not slaves anymore!
Me: When you got to Toronto Canada and after a few weeks your Brother Tomas left for the war, did you think he would survive?
Julia May: No I thought it was a bad Idea because since Sarah, Caleb and Daniel got taken away it made it worse.
Me: Since you saw Miss Marissa do you think she will tell your Mistress?
Julia May: Maybe, but since we moved out of town I don’t think they will find us.
Me: Well thank you Julia May for sharing about your life!
Julia May: You’re welcome!

by Amy